I am doing a POC on upgrading existing infragistics controls to new controls without much code change. I find equivalent for ultrawebgrid is WEbDataGrid(Infragistics45.Web.v13.2). I hope this is the right equivalent, as I could not find ultrawebgrid in the latest release.
Can you please provide some tips for this upgrade with minimal effort.
I am using currently trial version, I am doing POC to study the feasibility and the amount of change for the upgrade.
Please help me as soon as possible.
sample code for grid usage
<ig:UltraWebgrid id=dgInvestmentAccounts runat="server"> <displaylayout version="4.00" name="dggrid"> <framestyle width="100%" cursor="Default" height="80px"></framestyle> </displaylayout> <bands> <ig:ultragridband> <columns> <ig:templatedcolumn key="key" editorcontrolid="" datatype="System.Boolean" headertext="" basecolumnname="" format="" footertext=""> <celltemplate>
</celltemplate> </ig:templatedcolumn> </columns> </ig:ultragridband> </bands> </ig:UltraWebgrid>
Hello Paul,
As UltraWebGrid and WebDataGrid are architecturally different, migrating from the classic toolset control would require manual reimplementation with the AIKIDO WebDataGrid. Please do not hesitate to contact us with any specific questions related to the migration process.
Some resources which you may find helpful in getting started with the WebDataGrid/WHDG can be found at:
Feel free to contact me if you need more information.
Please do not hesitate to contact me if you need more information regarding this matter.