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Product Release – What’s New in Infragistics Ultimate 22.2

Product Release – What’s New in Infragistics Ultimate 22.2

Infragistics Ultimate 22.2 comes with new features and UI controls, more capabilities in App Builder, new Web Components code-generation and more. Learn more!Infragistics

6min read

I am excited to announce Infragistics Ultimate 22.2 is available for download. This is a big release, with new features and UI controls, more capabilities in App Builder, new Web Components code-generation in App Builder, better design and development collaboration with Figma UI Kits & code generation, plus fast, streamlined, and interactive data visualization updates.

Ultimate 22.2 builds on three key themes:

  • Blazor: New Grids for All Data Scenarios
  • App Builder: Charts, Grid CRUD, Open API & Column Configurations
  • Web Components: New Grids, New Components, plus App Builder Code Generation

Grids are the backbone of every application and with Ultimate 22.2 we don’t disappoint. Whether you are looking for a framework agnostic approach with Web Components, or you are a .NET developer moving to Blazor, we deliver everything for you in 22.2. Couple with expanded capabilities in App Builder, your entire app building process is dramatically simplified with this release.

Let’s look at each area in more detail.

Blazor: New Grids for All Data Scenarios!

.NET developers will absolutely love the new Blazor grids! This release includes a full suite of modern grids with the most features and best performance of any Blazor Grid on the market. 22.2 adds four new brand-new grids:

  • Flat Grid
  • Tree Grid
  • Hierarchical Grid (Coming in late November 2022 with your Ultimate Subscription)
  • Pivot Grid (Coming in late November 2022 with your Ultimate Subscription)

These are hands-down the fastest data grids on the market today for Blazor developers. With virtualization on rows and columns, data-entry support, every UX interaction that your customers expect like Outlook Group By, Sorting, Column Pinning, Column Moving, Multi-Level Layouts, Master-Detail views, Hierarchical Views and more, plus full theming and branding capabilities, the new Ignite UI Blazor grids will put your app above all others.

Watch this video to get a tour of the new Blazor features in the 22.2 release.

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App Builder: Charts, Grid CRUD, Open API & Column Configurations!

Digital product teams are accelerating delivery of their projects up to 8x faster with App Builder! Ultimate 22.2 brings a host of new features to App Builder, including enhanced charting support, updated layout features, new components, new UX for column configuration. With column configuration, you can customize everything from show/hide, title, column arrangement, pre-set data filters, and more. We’ve also added support for Figma, with UI kits that help you design apps in Figma, import into App Builder, then generate code. It’s only a couple of clicks to go from design to code with Sketch, Adobe XD and now Figma.

Watch this video to get a tour of the new App Builder features in the 22.2 release.

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Web Components: New Grids, New Components, plus App Builder Code Generation!

In 22.2, Web Components are getting the same treatment as Blazor – a full suite of the most modern, high-performance grids on the market for the bleeding-edge Web Component developer plus a new code-generation option in App Builder. 22.2 Web Components includes a brand-new Flat Grid, Hierarchical Grid, Tree Grid, and Pivot Grid. Now, you’ll be able to deliver new grid experiences that no other vendor can offer for a framework agnostic, dependency-free Web Component application, with all the features your customers expect, like Virtualized Rows & Columns, Outlook Group By, Sorting, Column Pinning, Column Moving, Multi-Level Layouts, Master-Detail views, Hierarchical Views and more, plus full theming and branding capabilities. Even better, there is a new option for Web Component code-generation in App Builder, giving you a future-proof, framework agnostic option for building scalable web apps. 

Watch this video to see the new Web Components Grids in the 22.2 release.

YouTube video player

Charts: Build Beautiful Interactions & Experiences

Earlier this year, 22.1 was a big release for charts. We made significant improvements to default behaviors, and we continued to refine the Category Chart API to make it easier to use. With 22.2, we are making another giant leap in capabilities of the Category Chart, delivering amazing new features that continue to make the Infragistics charts the most powerful and easiest to use charts on the market!  22.2 includes:

  • Automatic responsive layouts for horizontal label rotation based on browser / screen size.
  • Automatic crosshair, animations and Y-Axis labels and label formatting.
  • Enhanced rendering for rounded labels on all platforms.
  • New API for Grouping, Sorting and Summarizing Category string and numeric values, eliminating the need to pre-aggregate or calculate chart data.

This quick video shows how easy it is to configure the Blazor chart in the 22.2 release.

YouTube video player

Data visualization and data analysis is a key addition to every application, with 22.2, you can go above and beyond with beautiful, interactive experiences in your apps. Note that all Data Visualization enhancements are in every desktop & web product we ship for 22.2, so you don’t miss out no matter what your platform of choice is.

Angular: More Grids, More Features, More Developer Productivity

If you’re an Angular developer, 22.2 does not disappoint. In September, we shipped a major update that included Angular 14 support and a ton more. The showcase of the release was the Pivot Grid and Query Editor, but we didn’t stop there.  Here is a quick list of some of the Angular features we’ve shipped in the last couple of updates.

  • Support for Angular 14.0.0
  • New Angular Pivot Grid
  • New Angular Tree Grid with Excel Style Filter: Tree Filter View
  • New Angular Grid Summary custom templating
  • New Angular Data Grid Sorting Option – Single and Multiple
  • Angular Drag and Drop update
  • Angular Grid Validator Service
  • Angular Pivot Grid State Persistence
  • Angular Pivot Grid Filtering Expressions
  • Angular Pivot Grid Aggregation Method
  • Angular Grid Auto Size Performance Improvement
  • New Angular Tabs UI
  • Angular Combo Updates – Filtering Strategy, Filter Multiple Fields, and New “SearchKey” Input

Wrap Up!

To get started with each product, here are the links to each download / login:

We hope you enjoy Ultimate 22.2 release as much as we enjoyed building it. If you have any questions, always feel free to shoot me an email at, and make sure to subscribe to our YouTube channel as we are updating how-to videos there weekly, along with new webinars, and for up-to-the-minute support, sign up for the Discord channel to talk directly with the team.

Happy Coding!

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