Got ASP.NET AJAX? Get ASP.NET AJAX for NetAdvantage!

Ambrose Little / Saturday, November 11, 2006

So Infragistics had a pretty cool release today, if I do say so myself.  We've released a beta patch for our NetAdvantage for ASP.NET product that supports Microsoft's ASP.NET AJAX Beta 1 and Beta 2. 

Support Details

  • Our controls will register themselves with the UpdatePanel to ensure proper operation within it.
  • Our Javascript Client-Side Object Model (CSOM) continues to work alongside the Microsoft AJAX Library.
  • Infragistics controls will not interfere with the Microsoft AJAX Library.
  • Infragistics controls can be embedded in and work with ASP.NET AJAX Control Toolkit controls.

I'm pretty pumped about ASP.NET AJAX, especially the Microsoft AJAX Library.  It should make client-side development across browsers much easier, and with the AJAX Extensions, it helps make adding AJAX to your apps in ASP.NET considerably easier, and the UpdatePanel is an indisputable help in that respect.

Infragistics is committed to the ASP.NET AJAX platform.  We'll be supporting it throughout the beta, the release, and beyond.  We've been adding AJAX-powered features since 2004, and it is only going to get better for us and everyone else thanks to the new platform and tool enhancements that are coming down the line.