MS SharePoint Conference 2012: Event Recap

Anand Raja / Tuesday, November 20, 2012



The Basics

I had the pleasure of being part of the Infragistics team at the 2012 Microsoft SharePoint conference in Las Vegas the week of November 12th, 2012.  Over 10,000 registered attendees from about 85 countries descended upon the Mandalay Bay hotel for this event.  Attendees included regional SharePoint community leaders, such as Dan Attis from Atlanta and Tom Resing from Texas.  Both gentleman organize regional events that I’ve had the honor of speaking at. 

The opening keynote touched upon the following highlights regarding SharePoint 2013:

  • Yammer Integration
  • The new “App” model
  • Visual Studio integration

The keynote can be viewed here.


Energy at the Infragistics Booth

Our team was delighted to meet with customers and SharePoint professionals at the Infragistics booth, which drew an overwhelming crowd. 


Demonstrations included:


Interesting Demo Story

While I was demonstrating how to create a dashboard with ReportPlus, a gentleman from a power company who was watching the demo immediately downloaded the app on his iPad.  I timed him as he created a crisp dashboard by connecting to his production SharePoint power plant site.  Within four minutes, he was able to create a fully functional dashboard that displayed the activity of his power plants.  This was quite amazing to watch.



Booth Giveaways

We gave away SharePlus/ReportPlus t-shirts along with one Window 8 Surface device each day.

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