New IGPieChartView features introduced in the February SR

Darrell Kress / Friday, March 7, 2014

With our latest service release we introduced a few new features to the IGPieChartView which I figured I would give a little demonstration of.

Exploding Slices - Extended Radius

The IGPieChartView released with exploding slices, which would pop the slice away from the center radius of the chart.  

IGPieChartView Default Exploding Slices

With the lastest SR, we introduced a second mode that was requested by a customer.  In this mode the slice will not pull away from the center, but instead increase it's outer radius to highlight itself.

// New feature # 1 : Slice explosion, extended radius.
// When doing a slice explosion, the default is to move the slice out from the center of the pie chart.
// Instead we can have the chart extend the radius of the "exploded" slice.
_pie.allowSliceExplosion = YES; 
_pie.explodedDisplayStyle = IGPieSliceExplodedDisplayStyleExtendRadius;

IGPieChartView Exploding slices new

Rotating Pie Chart

The second feature added were a pair of methods that allow you to programmatically spin the pie chart to have a slice start at a certain angle.  

Sample project showing this in action

pieChartView rotateSliceWithDataPoint: toAngle: duration: alignment:
pieChartView rotateSliceWithIndex: toAngle: duration: alignment:

So that's it for this installment. As I mentioned briefly earlier, these features were requested by a customer.  If you have a request for a feature in our frameworks, please let us know and we will see what can be done. 

Questions about a feature?  Hit us on the NucliOS Forums.

By Darrell Kress