• jQuery/HTML5 suite, Word Library, Network & Org Chart and much more coming in NetAdvantage 11.1

    There is a lot of great stuff in this next volume release we will be shipping in June, not only new features to our existing products, but entirely NEW products for jQuery, Reporting and Mobile!  You may have seen some of the new controls and features we had planned in our Product Roadmaps, but those did not comprise the exhaustive list of everything our R&D teams created. Let's take a look at some of the new controls…

    • Thu, Apr 7 2011
  • Sneak Peek at the New Infragistics.com

    In our March newsletter, we gave you a sneak peek at the new Infragistics.com user experience we're planning to launch this spring.  The new website will seamlessly integrate all of our community, forums, blogs, streaming media, samples, downloads and product information into one consistent experience.  We've targeted several personas like first-time visitors and returning customers searching for guidance in designing…

    • Tue, Mar 15 2011
  • What we won in Las Vegas?

    Well, our DevConnections team has returned from Las Vegas.  Now, the local bureau of tourism would have you believe that “What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas.”  Well, most of the time that’s probably true, except  when it is the “Best of Connections 2010” award.  We won for NetAdvantage Ultimate 2010 Volume 3, if you hadn’t heard, and our DevConnections team was not leaving this  behind…

    • Tue, Nov 9 2010
  • European Tour

    Infragistics has a global presence and we're never too busy to reach out and engage with .NET developers at conferences, tradeshows and user groups the world over.  This autumn we have quite a European Tour lined up, so if you're attending these events please stop by to call on us. 

    Infragistics will open the tour off with a return to the Rheingoldhalle for BASTA! on 20-24 September in Mainz, Germany.  BASTA! always…

    • Tue, Sep 7 2010
  • Show Us Your Killer Apps

    Show us your Killer App with a state-of-the-art User Experience, and we'll show one lucky winner a 40-inch flat screen TV with quite a state-of-the-art User Experience in return.

    All you have to do is create a Killer App using at least 2 Infragistics UI controls (no purchase is necessary, trial versions of our controls are fine -- you can download a free trial from our Downloads page, btw), blog about it, and let…

    • Fri, May 21 2010
  • Does your design firm have SOX?

    What do I mean by SOX? 

    • Sarbanes-Oxley?  No.  
    • Philadelphia Semiconductor Index?  No.
    • The Clintons' family cat?  No.

    In this case, I mean a Same Office eXperience (English purists may argue the correct acronym should be SOE and that's alright, I still prefer X.)

    If your design firm is dispersed across multiple offices, wouldn't you like an environment where everyone on your team can work together as if they…

    • Tue, Mar 30 2010
  • It's Interactive Design for a Good Cause

    You have probably heard about this year's PhizzPop Design Challenge being sponsored by Microsoft and The Webby Awards from your fellow interactive designers.  If not, you have now!  :-)

    This is a great contest in which to demonstrate your shop's UX design chops, all for the benefit of the Boys and Girls Clubs of America.

    Did I mention that 3 finalist teams win travel and accommodations to MIX10 in Las Vegas and…

    • Mon, Jan 25 2010
  • Figuring the First Visible Day on Month View

    Have you ever wondered why the first visible day is what it is on the WebMonthView?  I know many of you have.  Why can't it just be the 1st day of the month? Why is it a different date from month to month?  For ages, calendars have driven people stark raving into monasteries, but I'm going to shed light on these questions and others.

    WebMonthView is always 6 weeks long. That's longer than the average month (and even…

    • Wed, Apr 29 2009
  • March Mapness and the 4-Color Map

    In celebration of this month's official launch of our Silverlight mapping control, the xamWebMap, we would like you all to join us for MARCH MAPNESS!

    Throughout this month I and others will be blogging like mad about our map experiences, so that wherever you see this logo:

    you can count on seeing some new trick or tip that will help you develop your Silverlight mapping applications. If you have a map experience to…

    • Thu, Mar 5 2009
  • Better Patient Experience leads to Better MRI

    On my way into work, I was reading a news article by Katharine Sanderson in Nature 457 947 (2009) about an interesting innovation to an MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) machine made by Klaas Pruessmann and David Brunner of the University of Zurich and their colleagues.

    As anyone who has ever been inside an MRI would know, it can be a tight squeeze. In creating a better "Patient Experience," Pruessmann, et al,…

    • Sat, Feb 28 2009
  • The Making Of.. An Infragistics Reporting App

    I have received a lot of positive feedback asking for the C# source code behind "An Infragistics Reporting Application" shown in the video on our Infragistics.Documents class library page.  In fact, the write-in campaign by some of you could probably get this demo on the Presidential Election ballot in some states of the union, and Guam.  It has really been that amazing.


    For those of you unfamiliar…

    • Tue, Oct 21 2008
  • Better than a Day at the Beach

    We're always interested in working with developers to make you successful, and even telling the world about your successes in creating innovative solutions through our Customer Success Stories program.  But, with the Labor Day holiday approaching here in the States, and everybody rushing off to their favorite holiday destinations (Aruba? Honolulu? the Hamptons?), we've had an opportunity to reflect on a different…

    • Fri, Aug 29 2008
  • Coloring Keywords in your Excel Worksheet

    I came up with this nifty code snippet this afternoon that regrettably wasn't suitable for my purposes (the space it needed to fit into limits line length to only 40 characters wide you see, shades of the C= 64 composite monitor.)  However, that makes it no less nifty (property name identifiers must have clarity!) so I thought I would share it anyway since it really does highlight a particularly interesting new feature…

    • Thu, Dec 27 2007
  • Newborn Challenges Data Entry Establishment

    I was struck by the ramifications of a New Zealand Herald report today by Eveline Jenkin about a newborn whose parents want to name the child "4real," but where the NZ government has refused to register the boy with that name.  As Internet culture increasingly blends with real world society, this makes me think we may have to question some of the preconceived notions we carry around about what the format of a…

    • Thu, Jun 21 2007
  • Graphic Cell Values in NetAdvantage for WPF

    There is an old addage that one picture can be worth a thousand words, and nowhere is this advice better applied to the User Experience than showing your data to users graphically.

    That is what makes the declarative support in NetAdvantage for WPF (released last week, if you had not heard) for displaying images in xamDataGrid cells so tremendous.  Authoring WPF templates in XAML turns out easier than writing a draw filter…

    • Mon, Apr 30 2007