2017 Infragistics Racing Recap

Kevin Richardson, Ph.D. / Monday, January 8, 2018

It’s been a good year for Infragistics. You probably already know about Infragistics’ incredible team of UX and UI consultants. We do nice work, focusing primarily on complex, business application design and development. Nice enough, in fact, that we won 2 UX awards in 2017! You can read more about that in our 2017 UX Recap blog.

What you may not know about Infragistics is that Dean Guida (our CEO) sponsors me (the Director of User Experience) to race motorcycles in a local, East coast racing series. Contrary to popular belief, racing isn’t craziness. Sure we go fast – 150mph/240kph or more - but it’s a calculated fast. Racers, and UX Directors, who don’t understand and mitigate risk tend to have very short careers. Plus, I have to get up and go to work the next day!


Between April and October, we competed in races at tracks in New Jersey, Pennsylvania, West Virginia, and Virginia and we did pretty well, all things considered. In fact, before the last race of the year, Infragistics was leading the series! That’s when being an amateur racer had to take back seat to being a UX professional. I was scheduled to give a talk at the World Usability Congress in Graz, Austria and my flight was leaving that evening.