Have You Checked Out Our Award Winning BI Software?

Infragistics Team / Friday, April 6, 2018

As you may have seen last month, we recently earned a bunch of awards, but one stands out, in that our ReportPlus customers are a part of how we received the recognition. Infragistics earned the prestigious Expert’s Choice Award for 2018 from FinancesOnline, a popular B2B software review platform. This recognition is given out annually to products that provide outstanding solutions for B2B companies across a number of categories, including the leaders in the Business Intelligence Software market.

With an overall review score of 9.4 out of 10, and a user satisfaction score of 100% at the time of this writing, ReportPlus was also included in the Top 3 in FinancesOnline’s latest list of the Best Business Intelligence Software and received the Great User Experience Certificate, and Supreme Software Award.


In evaluating ReportPlus for the 2018 Expert’s Choice Award, FinancesOnline’s team of software experts examined and compared us with competitors like Sisense, Zoho Reports, and Looker, in various scenarios.

If you are a current ReportPlus customer, please visit FinancesOnline.com to post your own review of ReportPlus and thanks for your support!

If you haven’t had a chance to see why FinancesOnline thinks we’re great, sign up to learn how you can start your company’s digital transformation by unlocking data insights with a free trial or learn about our exclusive workshops to help you get a running start.