UXify 2017 | Customer Service Tech: Meeting Customers Where They Are

Kevin Richardson, Ph.D. / Thursday, June 22, 2017

In this sixth installment of the UXify 2017 conference blog series, sponsored by Infragistics, Jack Cole, Design Director for Motivate Design in NY, described how to combine customer service and technology to meet customers where they are.

[KR] Jack, you've been a designer for many years. What's your take on the application of technology to solve customer problems?

[Jack] I’ve seen my fair share of design challenges ranging from dashboards and flows, to forms and other input mechanisms supporting some type of customer service-related initiative.

Recently in a strategy session, I heard the statement “The technology we have will fix our problem” related to a customer service effort and the deployment of artificial intelligence and chat bots. I felt compelled to respectfully challenge my client on the other side of the table - “the technology available isn’t worth a damn if it’s not used and deployed to the right customers, at the right time, in the right ways.”

With the dawn of everything from Amazon Echo and Google Home to IBM Watson, why can’t we still seem to get the all of the technology that we have to make customer service a more tailored experience?

KR NOTE: My apologies for the quality of the sound (or lack thereof). You may just want to use the video as a slide share.

Jack Cole

As a designer, Jack has seen the good, bad, and ugly of the modern design field starting from its near infancy to the increasingly integrated facets of business and life that experience design inhabits today.

After working for several years within in-house design teams, he now works for Motivate Design where he helps drive those same companies to shift the way they think and operate to better service their customers and employees alike.

On the weekends, Jack is busy other leading teams to success: his daughters’ soccer and softball teams.

UXify 2017

If you thought this talk was good, why not take a look at the entire UXify conference recap?