Infragistics CEO Dean Guida on Infragistics, Trends, XAML and HTML 5

Jason Beres [Infragistics] / Monday, July 26, 2010

At Tech-Ed this year, Craig Shoemaker sat down with Infragistics CEO Dean Guida and they talked about a bunch of interesting topics, including the Infragistics XAML strategy, our investments in future technologies like HTML 5 & MVC, and current trends like Data Visualization.  Dean also made sure to thank all of you, our customers, for making Infragistics what it is today.  Below are a series of short videos that make up the interview.

Part 1 - Dean talks about Infragistics and out upcoming new website.

Part 2 - Dean thanks customers!

Part 3 - Dean talks about Data Visualization, the importance of it and our investment in it.

Part 4 - Dean talks about Design tools and their importance.

Part 5 - Dean describes our UX Services and our investments in User Experience.

Part 6 - Dean talks about current web technologies and trends and future investment.

Part 7 - Dean talks about the Unified XAML Strategy at Infragistics.

I hope you enjoyed the videos with Dean, and as usual feel free to shoot me an email at if you have any questions or feedback!