Developing real-world applications with LightSwitch using Packt's book "Microsoft Visual Studio LightSwitch Business Application Development"

[Infragistics] Mihail Mateev / Tuesday, November 29, 2011

In October 2011 Packt Publishing has issued an interesting new book - Microsoft Visual Studio LightSwitch Business Application Development. Author of the book is Jayaram Krishnaswamy.

I am proud to announce that Packt Publishing recognized the leading role of Infragistics Inc. in developing products for Visual Studio LightSwitch. Publishing invited me as a developer and technical evangelist, working on LightSwitch at Infragistics to be one of the technical reviewers of the book.

The book is focused upon the hands-on development of business applications with LightSwitch. It covers multiple topic areas including: the download and installation of LightSwitch, designing queries, deploying security features, customization, extensibility and much more.

This is an outstanding 384 page guide to building applications, readers will not only set up their database but also link it to data either on a local or remote database. They will then get to grips with entities and LightSwitch specific data types, and write simple and complex queries with (and without) writing code. Readers will also be able to create entities and screens from scratch and use built-in templates. Deployment is also fully covered.
Developers interested in working with Microsoft Visual Studio LightSwitch will find this book to be a valuable addition to their bookshelf. This book is out now and is available from Packt and other leading booksellers.

More information about this book you could find here.