Infragistics Friends Group Presentation:Introduction to Geoflow for Excel - Event Recap

[Infragistics] Mihail Mateev / Sunday, May 19, 2013

Infragistics Friends group, BI & .NET Geeks (Bulgarian PASS Chapter) with the help of Infragistics Inc.  organized a presentation about Introduction to Geoflow for Excel. From 14th of January 2013 our group is an official PASS Chapter in Bulgaria under the name BI &. NET Geeks and we try to provide more BI and data visualization related content.

The event was held on Wednesday, May 15th at Infragistics Bulgaria Office, 110B, Simeonovsko Shosse Bul., Sofia, Bulgaria.

Geoflow is a 3D data visualization tool for Excel that provides a powerful method for people to look at information in new ways enabling discoveries in data that might never be seen in traditional 2D tables and charts. It 3D visual exploration with the ability to make direct comparisons of values and identify outliers by seeing data displayed in 2D charts at the same time.


Speaker was Ivan Donev .

Ivan Donev is a certified Microsoft IT Professional in Business intelligence, Database development and database administration since 2010 and dealing with different SQL Server projects and environments since 2007. He is also a certified trainer, active blogger and leader of

Presentation was focused on the modern trends in BI : better spatial data visualization and easier analysis, demonstrated via the new Beta of Geoflow for Excel.


Ivan Donev is presenting




Enjoy the great Geoflow spatial analysis.



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