Infragistics Partners & MVPs Showcased at TechEd

Sara Faatz / Friday, May 13, 2011
TechEd is just a few days away and I am admittedly more excited about this year’s event than others.  And the reason for that is that this year we are going to have partners and Infragistics MVPs in our booth conducting scheduled demos each day! I can’t wait for attendees to see some of the cool ways these folks are implementing and/or integrating our controls. 
If you are going to the show, you don’t want to miss these.  Each partner and MVP will conduct their showcase demo several times throughout the week, so make sure you mark your calendar and stop by.  Not only will you be treated to some cool demos, you’ll also get two entries to our drawing for an Xbox 360 w/ Kinect!  You can’t argue with that!
All of the details and times can be found here
If you have any questions, please drop me an email at sfaatz (@) Infragistics .com.  And if you’re at the show, please come by the booth to catch a demo, enter the drawing, and say “hi!”