Evaluating the New Pinterest

Megan Isaak / Monday, July 15, 2013

Yes, Its true. I'm a Pinterest Addict. I spend my free time browsing everything from Photography to new recipes and UI patterns to cute outfits. The site already has millions of users and a great design. Could they really make it better? It hasn't gone through that many drastic changes the last few years.

Last week my board got a re-fresh. Here are a few of the changes that I think will make everyone's pinterest addictions... better!

Navigation Reorganization

Previously the sticky navigation only worked for the browsing sections categories, popular or gift navigations.

Previous Pinterest header and navigation

Previous Pinterest Sticky Header - main navigation, search other navigation items disappeared as you scroll

New Pinterest Sticky Header and navigation - Combining all these navigations into one offers up the opportunity to search or navigate at any point on a page.

The Previous category drop down nav was located in the center of the sticky nav. It was much more condensed.

The new dropdown nav has much more leading and allowing for more breathing room and 3 new navigation items. The About section has also been moved to the bottom of this navigation from its own button at the top right.

The new changes to the header and navigation are much better. I've had moments where I wanted to search or go to my pin boards, but it took one extra click, selecting scroll to top and then when I finally got to the main header I could perform my action. With the new navigation more actions are at your finger tip. This makes for a better experience for everyone.

The New Pins

The pins have gone through quite a few changes, most of which I think are great.

  1. Bigger pins in general - Making the pins bigger allows for a larger image. The whole purpose of pinterest is to browse through images.
  2. Removing the white padding around the outside of the image itself, again, allowing for a larger image.
  3. The pinning information is now on a white background instead of grey. This makes the pins pop off the page a bit more.
  4. The darker background color allows the pins to pop off the page better. The combination of the new background and pin color together adds a lot.
  5. Re-wording of the buttons. Instead of using the word re-pin, the "pin it" button is now in red, calling to attention the main action that you're going to take.
  6. The buttons are now larger, if someone is using the new site on a touch device this is going to be key.
  7. The name of the person who pinned something is now separated from the board that it was pinned to. I'm not sure if this is good or bad. It does take more space, but it is more clear what is going on.
  8. The person who you're pinning something from is removed. It wasn't really necessary to see who you pinned something from
  9. More padding around the pins themselves.



No More Duplicates

I could talk about many more changes that were made to pinterest, but my favorite of all of them, is this feature. I have so many duplicate pins all over my boards. I have been told that I already pinned something 3-4 times already since the new design. Calling attention that you've already pined something, is going to clear up duplicates for everyone. (let alone Pinetersts servers)


Sometimes something can seam perfect till you change it, then it gets more perfect. I think that this Pinterest re-design is a great way to show that it can always get better!