My organisation cancelled the infragistics subscription in favor of different provider, I personally liked Infragistics and took it upon myself to use the last version we had access to 2015.1 in a brand new project, to try and get the subcription back, but after 1 month trying to get up to speed I now have to report that due to lack of documentation and user involvement in the forums, I will be dropping my efforts on trying to make this work and will simply fall back like my colleagues to using a different tool with much better documentation.
I understand that html5 controls are platform independent, but there's very little excuse when every control in competing platforms (Telerik and DevExpress) have sample code provided for MVC, aspx and the normal html5/js; given how much time, money and effort you've put in your products I would think providing proper samples for every feature would take you a week of time and would have provided inmense amount of support for guys like me which I assume are many.
Infragistics were probably the first set of controls I bought over 10 years ago and do feel somewhat dissapointed today as it appears it's not the same kind of pride as before.
I am sorry that we missed answering your Ignite Grid with MVC Helpers - Navigation property columns in grid are empty when it was logged. We have now answered this and identified the reason why we missed it when it was logged so we can avoid this issue from happening again.
Let me know if I may be of further assistance.