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Infragistics grid Cell size mismatch when resizing columns

Hi Team,

I found in Infragistics grid Cell size mismatch when resizing columns . It happen when I increase the header at some width after 250px.It happens only in chrome and edge browser. In IE its working fine.

Can you please help me for this issue.

I am using Infragistics version 11.1

  • 22852
    Offline posted

    Hello Priyanka,

    Are you using the UltraWebGrid, WebDataGrid, or WebHierarchicalDataGrid?

    If you are using the UltraWebGrid, this was only supported in IE and Firefox and you should consider replacing the UltraWebGrid with one of our newer grid controls.  If it is an option using our jQuery controls is recommended.  You could also use the ASP.NET AJAX based WebDataGrid or WebHierarchicalDataGrid. 

    If you are using the WebDataGrid or WebHierarchicalDataGrid, you may want to try upgrading to a more current volume as we have addressed similar issues since 2011.

    Let me know if you have any questions with this matter.