Now, working in both a development and support function, I can appreciate that everyone is busy and that trying to debug faults in my application isn't the job of support. However, I do get a little tired of the support process going like this:
But it's the next request that often follows - "Please supply example project" that is sometimes irksome. It's going to take me several hours to try and and build a sample standalone project and at the end of that, it's not guaranteed I'll be able to reproduce the fault. It could be that it only happens in a very specific situation that a sample project can never reproduce. I once had to resort to sending you a complete VM so you could see the fault as when stripped down to basics, it didn't happen. It turned out in that case to be a localisation bug.
In situations like this, it would be preferable to discuss the problem conceptually with the developer. Wearing my development hat, the support people here often go "Can you think of any reason why XYZ should happen?". As I know the code and they don't, it's often very easy for me to glance down the code and go "Ahh, yes - that could happen if XYZ".
So the plea is to not always bounce the support call straight back at me. I'm not in the habit of making up issues just for the hell of it :-)
Cheers, Rob,
PS. The DELETE key doesn't work in this editor. Backspace is fine.
informed_direct said: >(No idea why this standard reply was made.) Because it's in the script...
>(No idea why this standard reply was made.)
Because it's in the script...
I get the impression that some of it is outsourced - and this is nearly always the support I have issues with. There are certainly some very good support engineers, but these tend to be the people who answer escalated issues and seem not to be from the outsourced team.
Yes, I'd concur with this. When a particularly thorny issue is made, the response is often in a different style to the previous converstations which suggests it came from somebody else and the information was just been passed on.
Cheers, Rob.
Hi Jonathan,
Yes, we have resolved some issues for you. If you or anyone ever has a deadline, the Developer Support Engineer can work with you on meeting that. Our customers can attest to that. All of our processes are made with you, (our customers) in mind.
All feedback is taken, reviewed and acted upon. There have been changes made based on past feedback, and we continue to listen and make changes to benefit our customer base. One being the solution we are working on for helping you debug.
I am happy to speak with you anytime - and can call you if you want. We can discuss our changes and anything you have to offer.
Thanks again,
Stephani "] Having a sample allows us to have an isolated example, most developers can do this easily - therefore this allows us to get a resolution to you faster.
Having a sample allows us to have an isolated example, most developers can do this easily - therefore this allows us to get a resolution to you faster.
I wish the users that I build apps for using your tools could send me a sample app each time there is a problem!! A lot of times a barebones app will do what you want it to do. As a priority support customer I would expect to speak to somebody very knowledgeable about the product and the different ways to use it. I have had several support requests where I am walked thru the flow chart response, to not have my problem resolved. I love the controls in a brand new application, but I am implementing in an existing app and support is not very helpful at times.