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Tips on posting code to the forums?

Can somebody please pass along some tips on using the forums? The standard editor double-spaces everything and mangles code that I try to copy-and-paste in. The plain text editor looked fine as I created the post above, but it displayed far differently than what I saw. Also, I'm having a hard time entering tags because of the auto-fill feature and the subsequent behavior when I try to delete characters I don't want. Any tips would be appreciated. I'll re-post my lst post if I can figure out how to get it looking decent. Thanks, Dave

  • 4960

    On the matter of double-spacing, one tip you can use to single space is to hold down the Shift key while pressing Enter.

    Everytime you press Enter, the editor creates a <p> tag for a new paragraph.
    Everytime you press Shift-Enter, the editor creates a <br> tag for a line-break.

    Code (esp. with syntax coloring) is arduous. If you don't care about the colors, you can paste it into plain old Notepad first and then re-copy/paste into the browser.  What I will usually do for a code block is jump into HTML view and place <code> tags or a <div> tags with style font-family Courier around my block so it appears in a monospace font.  Then there is usually plenty of pressing Backspace at the beginning of each line, pressing Shift-Enter, and indenting with spaces.