I have an old VB3 application that I wrote for a customer in 1997 that uses (Sheridan) designer widgets and the customer needs to have the application upgraded (migrated) to 32 bit for windows 7. We do not have the original designer widgets software disk and would like to obtain one for VB3 and an upgrade for VB6.
Is the software available?
Designer Widgets can be purchased from one of our resellers: https://ko.infragistics.com/about-us/alliances-partners/devtools-partners
Thanks for the info. But what I wanted to know is do you have the old retired Sheridan designer widgets for Visual Basic version 3 (VB3) for sale??? I realize that it would be unsupported.
Hi - Thanks for inquiring about out products. Designer Widgets, along with all of our VB6 controls, has been retired for many years- long before Windows 7, (RetiredProducts - http://ko.infragistics.com/support/supported-environments-retired.aspx).
This functionality is available for use in Windows 7 with our .NET controls. Toolbars and Tabs are part of all of our .NET platform controls. For example, in WindowsForms, see -
Toolbars - https://ko.infragistics.com/products/windows-forms/toolbars
Tabs - https://ko.infragistics.com/samples/windows-forms/tab/overview
And there's many more navigation options now to choose from.
- Debbie