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(Infragistics + ASP.Net AJAX) Performance


 i am using infragistics controls and ajax in my app. i browsed my application and saved a page which has updatepanel and infragistics controls, size of the page is greater than 1 MB in that size of the resource files(.axd) itself taking 1MB.

 i feel that application is very slow in internet. i made changes in web.config file <compilation debug="false">, also i have included

<%@ OutputCache Duration=1 VaryByParam="none" %> for all pages.

now my question is,

whether the resouce files and images are reloaded everytime or it will be loaded from temporary internet files after first time load?

is there any way to increase the speed?

Please reply ASAP. 



  • 12631
    Verified Answer

    So I beleive you might be mixing two different caches here.  First, the JavaScript and images for your application should be cached in the browsers temporary internet cache which should help the performance.  There is a great addin tool for Firefix called YSlow that can help you figure out what files the browser will cache.  The only exception to this are background images, which browsers do no cache unfortunately.

    Adding the OutputCache directive to your application has no bearing on whether the browser will cache the page resources (javascript and images).  The OutputCache basically tells ASP.NET to cache on the server, a fully rendered copy of the webpage.  This will help your server performance since it basically short-cuts the normal ASP.NET processing for as long as the Cache exists, but it will not affect how many bits are actually sent over the wire from server to client.
