you have not announced support for windows 10 platform yet.
Do you plan to support the new UWP?
When a CTP will become available?
What range of controls do you plan to release?
I am glad I was able to clarify where we are at this time on UWP for you.
Good to know that it was only a waste of time with IG until now. Crystal clear.
As it is stated in the post marked as the answer for this thread; "When we have something to share, we will post it on our blogs for all to see."
As of now, we having nothing new to share.
If you are in need of UWP controls right now, then yes, you have to use another vendor. If you can wait 6 months, we will have a preview available.
I am a subscriber on both Dx and Ig suites.
Before I start our new UWP app I want to evaluate also the IG's controls.
I could not agree more with you, Ig seems not to care about UWP.
Since the original post on 06-04-2015 no news from Ig.
Please write a blog post in order to clarify your position and plans.
Telerik - CTP - http://www.telerik.com/universal-windows-platform-ui
Syncfusion - Comprehensive toolkit with 35+ unique controls - https://www.syncfusion.com/products/uwp
DevExpress - http://newsletters.devexpress.com/Newsletter/2015-10-Win10-Xamarin/?utm_source=Oct2015&utm_medium=OnlineVersion&utm_campaign=Newsletter&utm_content=Newsletter_Oct2015_OnlineVersion
Infragistics - no roadmap, no info, nothing.
So should we switch to other vendor?