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Style/theme is not being applied to igx-grid

I have a ASP.NET Core 2, Angular, Webpack application for which I am trying out the igx-grid.

I followed the steps provided in the demo code but all my data is being displayed in a single line. There is no style or theme being applied to the grid. I have imported the index sass file and included igx-core and igx-theme (in that order).

Please check the attached demo project.

Your help would be appreciated.




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    Hello Yash Shah,

    Thank you for your question and for the provided sample.

    I have tried to run in on my side, although there seems to be some error with the npm restore manager. I am not sure why some of the packages are not restored and when I try to run the project, error is thrown:

    These are all 7 missing packages:

    My suggestion is to double check the loading of grid's styles, I am not sure that they are referenced correctly. Also, keep in mind that it is mandatory to load the Material fonts as well.

    @import url('');

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