Below is the HTML setup for the tab component with a template reference variable #notes assigned to one of the tabs.
In the ngOnInit - for certain route parameters, would like to make one of the non-first tabs the active one e.g. -
There is only one router-outlet for the application
<!-- operational\components\analyzer\analyzer.component.html --><div class="layout-box-container"> <div class="layout-box-top" igxLayout igxLayoutDir="row"> <span><a [routerLink]="''">Operational</a></span> <span class="atitle">Analyzer Diagnostics</span> </div><!-- /.layout-box-top -->
<div class="tabs" igxLayout igxLayoutDir="row" igxLayoutJustify="space-between"> <igx-tabs style="width: 100%"> <igx-tabs-group label="STREAM" name="stream"> <stream></stream> </igx-tabs-group>
<igx-tabs-group label="NOTES" name="notes" #notes> <notes></notes> </igx-tabs-group> </igx-tabs> </div><!-- /.tabs --></div><!-- /.layout-box-container -->
Thanks and regards,
Amit Kohli
That worked thank you.
Hi Amit,
If you want to set selected tan on ngOnInit you can use the selectedIndex input of the tab component.
Here is a sample with this.