Below is the HTML setup for the tab component with a template reference variable #notes assigned to one of the tabs.
In the ngOnInit - for certain route parameters, would like to make one of the non-first tabs the active one e.g. -
There is only one router-outlet for the application
<!-- operational\components\analyzer\analyzer.component.html --><div class="layout-box-container"> <div class="layout-box-top" igxLayout igxLayoutDir="row"> <span><a [routerLink]="''">Operational</a></span> <span class="atitle">Analyzer Diagnostics</span> </div><!-- /.layout-box-top -->
<div class="tabs" igxLayout igxLayoutDir="row" igxLayoutJustify="space-between"> <igx-tabs style="width: 100%"> <igx-tabs-group label="STREAM" name="stream"> <stream></stream> </igx-tabs-group>
<igx-tabs-group label="NOTES" name="notes" #notes> <notes></notes> </igx-tabs-group> </igx-tabs> </div><!-- /.tabs --></div><!-- /.layout-box-container -->
Thanks and regards,
Amit Kohli
Hi Amit,
If you want to set selected tan on ngOnInit you can use the selectedIndex input of the tab component.
Here is a sample with this.
That worked thank you.