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Custom sort strategy not applied for sortingExpressions

I have a column defined with a custom sort strategy. That is working fine when I manually sort the column. However I added sortingExpressions so that it would be sorted in first place by default. That isn't using the custom sort strategy but instead just using the default sorting strategy. I tried adding the strategy to the object passed in for sortingExpressions but its still not calling it.

I have:

this.summaryGrid.sortingExpressions = 
[{fieldName: 'formattedModifiedDate'dir: SortingDirection.Descstrategy: this.gridHelperService.stringDateSortStrategy}];
and column definition
<igx-column field="formattedModifiedDate" header="Modified Date" width="160" [sortStrategy]="gridHelperService.stringDateSortStrategy"></igx-column>
The sorting is applied to the column by using sortingExpressions just the order is wrong and by debug I can see it never calls to my stringDateSortStrategy. When I click the column header for sorting it works properly and my sort is called.

How can I use my custom sort strategy with the sortingExpressions?
