I am using Hierarchical grid. I want to search with Parent and child data both at a time. Is it possible? If yes, then how we can do that. If no, then how to search with only child data? I want to search Grid data using textbox, that is custom search. Please let me know how to do a custom search in hierarchical grid.
Also I want to know how to apply the custom filter to that hierarchical grid.
Please let me know the solution with example.
Thanks in Advance!
Hi Malin,
I just wanted to check is there any update on my query? Please let me know, because of have to implement it in my project.
Hello Vaishnavi,
Thank you for contacting Infragistics Support.
This is an initial update to let you know that we have received your support request regarding searching in a hierarchical grid and I am currently looking into this matter for you. I will keep you posted on my progress and I will get back to you soon with more information or questions for you.
Please feel free to continue sending updates to this case at any time.
Malin Hadzhiev
Entry Level Software Developer