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igx-combo editing combo data

I am having trouble using igx-combo and I'll try to explain the scenario.

I have a combo component (combo B) where its data is variable and will change depending on what a user has selected in another combo component (combo A). For example, lets say there is a selection component containing genres such as fruits or vegetables (combo A). Upon selecting one of those options, the second combo component will display a list with that genre of items (combo B). If a user selects fruits in combo A, apples, oranges, bananas, etc. will show in combo B. 

Here is the bug that I am running into:

A user selects fruits in combo A to dictate the data that they will be able to select in combo B and closes the combo.

A user then opens the combo B dropdown and scrolls down in the list to select a fruit and closes the combo. 

A user changes their mind and selects vegetables in combo A. This will change the data being displayed in combo B.

When a user tries to open and select something in combo B, the combo dropdown does not display the correct data and has blanks in the dropdown. The scroll bar is also gone. 


I think what is happening is if the two genres of data have a varied length, such as 50 fruits and 100 vegetables in the list, and the user scrolls down to anywhere past the 50th item mark in vegetables, if they switch back to fruits, the scroll bar becomes past the max item length and breaks. 

Is there any fix for this?

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