e.g - paging is set to true and perPage is set to 20 so the api will return 20 records which are visible on page 1 and next 20 records when I switch to page 2 and so on, same goes with filtering when I search something in the filters it will return me the 20 records which are filtered and visible on the grid.The reason for this is when I set the rowSelection to multiple and then if i select the select all check box it selects the whole data in all the following which doesn't satisfy my use case. Is there an alternative option in which [selectOnlyVisibleData]="true" and it will just select all the items which is visible in page [N] only. Or is this only achievable by remotePagination?
Thank you for posting in our community.
I noticed that there is another thread in our forum regarding the same query. Please keep in mind that according to our support policy, we handle single thread per issue and I will continue assisting you via the other thread, where I have already replied.
Thank you for using Infragistics components.