Cannot able to add dash line in the line series ?
Hello Muhammad,
The only real recommendation that I can make to get a dashed line in the Ignite UI for Angular charts at the time of writing this is to place a data item in your underlying data source every so often that has a null value member path for your line series and then set the unknownValuePlotting property to “DontPlot” on the series. This will create a break in the series and essentially create a dashed line, but it would likely pad out your data source with many unnecessary points.
Please let me know if you have any other questions or concerns on this matter.
Is there work around ? we need this feature for paid ignite ui
I have been investigating into the behavior you are looking to achieve in this case, and at the time of writing this, the charts in the Ignite UI for Angular toolset do not support dashed lines in the line series.
This has determined to be a new product idea, and exists on our ideas site to be voted on, here: I would recommend that you vote on this, as the more votes it receives from different users, the more likely our product management teams will decide to prioritize it and have it implemented in the charts.