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Column Category Chart with Numeric Series Name

I have an issue wherein a column category chart that has numbers (really that begins with a number) are displaying incorrectly. If the series name is fully a number, it does not display the series at all, if it is a partial number, it will display the series with some formatting attempted to be applied to the legend and tooltip. Below is the resulting chart along with the data bound to the dataSource. You can see there is a missing series and that the existing series 20x21 has formatted applied as if it is parsing it out in some way. A2020 is fine because it begins with a letter.

My first thought was that with JS alphabetizing object properties, the X-axis group somehow had to be first, but that doesn't seem to be the case. I looked through the source code trying to find where it reads the data object sent in to parse out the series, to no avail. Any ideas?