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Scroll event for grid

Hi Team,

I am using Infragisitcs version 9.

I want to trigger scroll event (gridScroll)="onScroll($event)".

Can u please share a stackbliz as there is no proper documentation. Also as i am using verion 9. Pls share the stackbliz that supports 9

  • 400
    Offline posted

    Hello Shobhana,

    I have been looking into your question and in your version of Ignite UI Angular version ^9.0.0 an event has not yet been added to fire when the grid is scrolled vertically or horizontally.

    Such an event was introduced in Ignite UI Angular version ^10.1.0 where the onScroll event was added, which is emitted when the grid is scrolled vertically or horizontally.

    What you could do to achieve your requirements and be able to handle the onScroll event is to upgrade to version ^10.1.0 which contains the given event. More about updating packages could be found in this upgrading guide from our documentation.

    However, please keep in mind that according to our policy both Ignite UI Angular versions ^9.0.0 and ^10.1.0 is considered retired and it is no longer eligible for Developer Support Services, to achieve your requirement and take advantage of all introduced features and enhancements, I would suggest upgrading to the supported and latest versions of igniteui-angular i.e. ^14.2.0 and ^15.0.0.

    Additionally, what I want to point out if you decide to move to the supported and latest versions of Ignite UI Angular is that the scroll event of the grid changes in version ^12.0.0 with its name being changed from onScroll to gridScroll.

    If you require any further assistance on the matter, please let me know.


    Georgi Anastasov

    Entry Level Software Developer


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    Offline posted

    Your point of view is as clear as a blind spot on an awning. It's a lot to take in. I want to see what you write next fnaf