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while we perform export to excel for igx grid for summary totals i was getting colons after the total values

Hi Team

I was using igx grid to arrange a tabular data with column values and to get the totals for those columns we have implemented custom calculations and assigning key, Label, and SummaryResults as empty string and returning  the results as IgxSummaryResult and we were bind this entire method getYoySummaryTrendColumnConfig as summaries

 When i try to export excel using "excelExportService.export" plugin by passing gird reference, It was exporting the excel with following format 

L1  0.45 0.54 0.44 0.65
L2  0.54 0.55 0.05 0.65
Total: 0.0%: 0 0.0%: 0.0%: 0.0%: 0.0%:
Total: 0.0%: 0 0.0%: 0.0%: 0.0%: 0.0%:

  we are having colons after every value of the total.


Sagar Vullengula,