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Column Pinning

Hi Infragistics, 

I am using Ignite UI for Angular and have a question about the column pinning functionality. I see in my project and in the Infragistics documentation examples that only unpinned columns are able to scrolled through horizontally.

Although this is working as expected, I find that when all of the columns are pinned and the width of the grid does not allow for all of the pinned columns to be displayed, the grid does not have a scrollbar in the grid allowing for the user to see all of the pinned columns. This means that only the first few selected columns are able to be viewed, and the rest of the columns will not be able to be viewed. I see this is happening for the examples in the documentation as well (

In my project, sometimes the grid will expand horizontally and a horizontal window scrollbar appears, allowing the user to scroll and view all of the columns. However, this is also not ideal, as sometimes the screen is extremely elongated when there is a large number of pinned columns.

Is there any solution or workaround for the pinning of a large number of columns in a grid?

Thank you in advance 

  • 1300
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    My suggestion would be to log this behavior in our GitHub repository here. This will give you the opportunity to directly communicate with our development team regarding the issue and get notifications whenever new information is available.

    When creating your issue be sure to be specific and provide as much details as possible. Attaching screenshots and any information that consider relevant are going to be very helpful.

    Please let me know if you need any further information regarding this matter.

    Monika Kirkova,