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Data is lost when I change the column width (only some rows are lost)

'Igx Grid changing column widths has broken layout' error at Has width-of-columns-was-broken-layout/550107#550107 been fixed in version 17.0.x? I got an error in version 17.0.x, data was lost when I changed the column width (only lost some rows) as shown in the image below.

Please help me, I need it.

Thank you!

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  • 1660
    Offline posted

    Hello Huyen,

    I can confirm that the issue that you mentioned in your previous post has been fixed and merged for version 17.0.x.

    Additionally, I watched the video that you shared however I was able to reproduce the issue, even though the two issues are similar they are not the same so my suggestion would be to log this behavior in our GitHub repository here using the first option. This will give you the opportunity to directly communicate with our development team regarding the issue and get notifications whenever a new information is available.

    When logging the issue please make sure to include the video that demonstrates it as well as steps to reproduce.

    Please let me know if you need any further assistance regarding this matter.

    Ivan Kitanov