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igx-dialog - having trouble using ngComponentOutlet to render a component in a dialog

I have a dialog coded in my AppCompinent.html as follows.

<igx-dialog #modal
leftButtonLabel="OK to Update"
title="Dialog Title"
<ng-container [ngComponentOutlet]="component"></ng-container>

In my AppComponent.ts, I have the following:

@ViewChild('modal') modal!: IgxDialogComponent;
protected component: Type<Comp3Component> | null = Comp3Component

Comp3Component is a simple component rendering an igx-tab with a, igx-grid on one tab and other controls on the other tab.

But it could also be a newly created component that simply renders Comp3Component Works!.

My issue is that my Comp3Component does not render in the dialog.

Is it possible to render a component in the dialog?  If it is, what am I doing wrong?

  • 740
    Offline posted in reply to Walter Zielenski

    Hello Walter,

    I am glad that you found a solution and managed to achieve your requirements!

    Indeed, when setting the message property and adding custom content, the custom content will be disregarded since the message property is with higher priority.

    Thank you for using Infragistics components!

    Riva Ivanova
    Software Developer

  • 355
    Offline posted

    Never Mind.

    I found that as long as I do include message="Dialogmessage” in the html, or try to set it in the ts file, then the component will load.

    <igx-dialog #modal>
        This message is passed into the dialog using interpolation, and not using the dialog's textMessage property: {{message}}

      <ng-container [ngComponentOutlet]="component"></ng-container>

      <div igxDialogActions>
          <button *ngFor="let button of buttons" igxButton (click)="button.function()">{{button.caption}}</button>
      public buttons: any[] = []
      public message: string = '';
      protected component: Type<Comp3Component> | null = Comp3Component
      openModal (event: EmitEvent) {
        let options: optionsDialog = event.options;
        console.log('opening modal', this.modal);
        this.modal.closeOnOutsideSelect = options.autoHide;
        this.modal.title = options.title;
        // this.modal.message = options.textMessage;  // if you set the message property, you will not be able to load a component
        this.message = options.textMessage;
        this.buttons = [];
        this.buttons.push ({ caption: 'OK (Callback Function)', function: options.btnToastClickAction })
        this.buttons.push ({ caption: 'Cancel (Closes Dialog)', function: () => this.modal.close() })

    I am trying to upload a picture, but it is not working - trying 1 more time

    here is a gif