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igx-dialog - having trouble using ngComponentOutlet to render a component in a dialog

I have a dialog coded in my AppCompinent.html as follows.

<igx-dialog #modal
leftButtonLabel="OK to Update"
title="Dialog Title"
<ng-container [ngComponentOutlet]="component"></ng-container>

In my AppComponent.ts, I have the following:

@ViewChild('modal') modal!: IgxDialogComponent;
protected component: Type<Comp3Component> | null = Comp3Component

Comp3Component is a simple component rendering an igx-tab with a, igx-grid on one tab and other controls on the other tab.

But it could also be a newly created component that simply renders Comp3Component Works!.

My issue is that my Comp3Component does not render in the dialog.

Is it possible to render a component in the dialog?  If it is, what am I doing wrong?

  • 355
    Offline posted

    Never Mind.

    I found that as long as I do include message="Dialogmessage” in the html, or try to set it in the ts file, then the component will load.

    <igx-dialog #modal>
        This message is passed into the dialog using interpolation, and not using the dialog's textMessage property: {{message}}

      <ng-container [ngComponentOutlet]="component"></ng-container>

      <div igxDialogActions>
          <button *ngFor="let button of buttons" igxButton (click)="button.function()">{{button.caption}}</button>
      public buttons: any[] = []
      public message: string = '';
      protected component: Type<Comp3Component> | null = Comp3Component
      openModal (event: EmitEvent) {
        let options: optionsDialog = event.options;
        console.log('opening modal', this.modal);
        this.modal.closeOnOutsideSelect = options.autoHide;
        this.modal.title = options.title;
        // this.modal.message = options.textMessage;  // if you set the message property, you will not be able to load a component
        this.message = options.textMessage;
        this.buttons = [];
        this.buttons.push ({ caption: 'OK (Callback Function)', function: options.btnToastClickAction })
        this.buttons.push ({ caption: 'Cancel (Closes Dialog)', function: () => this.modal.close() })

    I am trying to upload a picture, but it is not working - trying 1 more time

    here is a gif

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