I have an igx column of type "date". The values of these columns are strings. The date has the format "DD.MM.YYYY". Is it possible to change the igx column in the format "yyyy-mm-dd" without changing the string.
This example is what I wanted Igx Select Grid Cell Template. I tried to adjust my code according to the example, but in this case no date is displayed in my application.
<igx-grid igxPreventDocumentScroll #grid1 igxOverlayOutlet [height]="'100%'" width="99%""'pinned'" [autoGenerate]='false' [data]="sqlData" [primaryKey]="'lot'" [showToolbar]="true" [allowFiltering]="true" [columnHiding]="true" [rowHeight]="20" filterMode="excelStyleFilter" [clipboardOptions]="copyOptions"> <igx-column width="112px" field="datum" dataType="string" header="Datum" [resizable]="true" [sortable]="true" [editable]="false" [movable]="true" [cellClasses]="greenRowLotClass"> <ng-template igxCell let-cell="cell" let-val> {{val | date:'dd/MM/yyyy'}} </ng-template> </igx-column> </igx-grid>