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Grid Template column not update content on data change

I have a template column in a grid with content controlled by a field in the row's data item. When that field is updated, the template columns don't always update themselves to reflect the change. I've attached a project to illustrate this, and you can also see the output in this screencast: When the template column does not update, you can make it do so by scrolling the row off screen then back on again, after which it will reflect the change. This is also shown in the screencast. Also of note is that the calculated status column does not update itself when the underlying field changes (in response to the button click)

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  • 7555
    Offline posted

    Hello Kevin,

    Thank you for sharing the sample . I am able to reproduce the behavior you described although with current control version this in not how the grid get notify about the grid column change. Would have this functionality supported in future version for sure.

    For now have a look at this sample explain live data update template column.

    You can find the source code of the sample here.

    Let me know if you have any question.

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