I am reviewing Ignite for blazor and one of components I am looking at now is the Dock Manager. I have spent several hours this morning trying to find how to dynamically add new panes to the dock manager and not found any info for how to do it with blazor.
Sorry, I was unclear with my question. I understand the adding of panes, but once you have dynamically added a pane to the dock manager, how do you add new html content to the pane. The example you provided has hardcoded html that are bound to panes. What I am trying to accomplish is that initially the dock manager will have no panes or html content. A user will press a menu button which will add a new pane to the dock manager and then I want to add html (basically a blazor component) to the pane.
What I don't understand is how the html gets bound to the pane after a new pane is added to the dock manager.
Sorry, I think my question was unclear. In the example you provided the content for the panes are static and hard coded in. For instance,
A better way to ask my question is maybe an example of what I am trying to accomplish. Our app has a menu that the the user can use to open new panels. Initially the IgbDockManager will not have any panes or content. If the user clicks a menu item, I need to be able to create and attach a new pane to the IgbDockManager and add html content to the pane. I do understand the first part about creating and adding panes but I do not understand how to add the html content to the pane.
Hello Brian,
Thank you for contacting Infragistics. Panes can be added via the Add method like so in this example:
There is nothing unique in dock manager to dynamically add panes.