I currently have a line chart added to a razor page (Blazor server). Is there a property or action in the charting tool that tells me when the animation of the chart lines is about to start or has finished.
The reason for asking, is that one of the datasets we are using is between 20,000 and 100,000 data points and I would like to know when the animation is about to start so I can stop my loading icon. I can do this with Blazor but there is always a period of blankness between the chart component loading and the data being animated.
My question is: Is there a property or event in the charting tool that can show either the status of animation or component rendering.
This is the chart code:
<IgbCategoryChart @ref="chart" DataSource="ChartData" Height="450px" Width="95%" ChartType="CategoryChartType.Line" IncludedProperties="chartProperties" YAxisLabelLocation="YAxisLabelLocation.OutsideLeft" YAxisTitle="@yAxisTitle" XAxisTitle="Time Period" ToolTipType="ToolTipType.Data" Thickness="1.5" Brushes="@chartColours" TrendLineThickness="0.2" XAxisLabelFormat="{TimeStamp}" XAxisEnhancedIntervalPreferMoreCategoryLabels="false" MarkerAutomaticBehavior="@MarkerAutomaticBehavior.None" ShouldAutoExpandMarginForInitialLabels="false" CrosshairsDisplayMode="CrosshairsDisplayMode.Both"> </IgbCategoryChart>