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Row hight is divided to the grid height

Hi Experts,

I'm using igGrid (Version 15.2) and I have a strange behavior if I have less then 20 rows on creating the grid. The row hight is divided to the grid height. After sorting a colum etc. the row height is as expected. If I have more then 20 rows on creating the grid, every thing works fine. 

This are my settings


dataSource: resultPOS, //JSON Array defined above

alternateRowStyles: true,

autoGenerateColumns: false,

autofitLastColumn: false,

//primarykey: "RID",

width: tab_width - 101,

height: "98%",

virtualization: true,

virtualizationMode: 'continuous',

avgRowHeight: "30px",

showFooter: true,

//enableUTCDates: true,

columns: [