My company is using version 14.2. The following is a description of what we need to do. I have 2 questions regarding the following:
1. Can it be done?
2. Are Excel xlsx formatted files supported
What we need to do.
1. Client-side we need to read either an xls for xlsx formatted Excel file.
2. We need to push the data in the Excel file to the server for further processing, but before we do we need to review each row/cell in the worksheet and perform some validation. If any problems are found with the file, we will inform the user and halt processing.
3. One column in the Excel file is reserved to report back to the user the results of the validation processing. So, for each row that has one or more problem, we will update the "status" cell to describe the problem. We then want to export the file back to the local machine where the user can review the results of the validation or forward to another user.
If we can easily import the Excel file into an igGrid and validate the data against the grid, that would be fie, but we would need to be able to autogenerate the grid based on the columns defined for the Excel file and be able to easily export the igGrid contents back to an Excel file.
Can all of this be done client-side, or will we require server-side processing as well?
The issue seems to be caused by bug in the excel library in 2014.2 version. The bug is fixed, but since the 14.2 version was still a CTP the fix is not introduced to 14.2, but only to 15.1 and 15.2 This is why the sample works with 15.1 and 15.2 but errors are thrown when using 14.1
Let me note that the CTP version are released with the only goal of technical preview in a local environment and are not supposed to be used in production. I strongly recommend upgrading your app to 15.1 or 15.2. Please let me know if you would need any assistance doing it.
I will further investigate the issue regarding 14.2 and try to get the sample working for it. I will keep you posted,
I have missed to point the references to the correct cdn, this is why you had issues, sorry for that. Every other time you can see the latest references if you go to any random sample at Anyway I have corrected those and pointed them to latest 2015.1 and it worked fine too. Please see the modified sample attached and let me know if you have any issues with it - I will be glad to help you with it.
Thank you for your patience!
In 14.2 the Client-side excel library was CTP and it is possible to have some incorrect behaviors and not to be very stable. Due to our policy we provide fixes for the current volume release and the previous one. (refer to This is fixed in the latest version of 15.1 and 15.2. What I can suggest you is to upgrade to one of the latest service releases either of 15.1 or 15.2.
Thank you for the understanding in advance.
I've attached an html file I used to demonstrate the problem.