since using 2015.2 I am facing the following issue: When pressing tab in the last column or enter in any column, editing continues always in the first row of the table.
In 2014.2 is works fine: Enter moves to the same column in the next row, Tab moves to the next editable column in the next row.
I cannot see any new options. Is it a bug in 2015.2 or am I doing something wrong?
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
Hi Mike,
the issue only occurs when using a custom Editor (which is extending EditorProviderBase) and if there is no next editable column in the same row and you have changed the value in the custom Editor.
I will try to create an example.
Hello Michael,
Thank you for contacting Infragistics!
I created a sample to test this behavior and when I tab from the last cell in a row it goes to the first cell of the next row and enters edit mode on that cell. I am attaching a sample demonstrating this behavior. I use 15.2.20152.2081. What version do you use? Do you have a sample that reproduces the behavior you are seeing?
Sorry. Forgot to mention some basic configurations:
1) I am using cell edit mode
2) I am using row virtualization
3) Only "Updating" is enabled as additional feature.