I have an igGrid with updating feature.
I can not validate the value that use entered.
On last year. I used Infragistics 14.2 and it work fine but now I upgrated to 15.2 and it's not working
Here is my code:
@(Html.Infragistics() _.Grid(Of TPG.Position.Models.tbl_PG_CostOfFunds_Ts) _.ID("grdCostOfFunds") _.Width("100%") _.AutoGenerateColumns(False) _.AutoGenerateLayouts(False) _.AutofitLastColumn(True) _.EnableUTCDates(False) _.RenderCheckboxes(True) _.PrimaryKey("lCostOfFund_ID") _.AutoCommit(True) _.Columns(Sub(column)column.For(Function(x) x.lCostOfFund_ID).Hidden(True)column.For(Function(x) x.lPositionID).Hidden(True)column.For(Function(x) x.dtEffectiveDate).DataType("date").Format("MM/dd/yyyy").Width(100)column.For(Function(x) x.dblCostOfFund).DataType("number").Format("#,###,##0.000000").Width(200)column.For(Function(x) x.dblSpread).DataType("number").Format("#,###,##0.000000").Width(190)End Sub) _.Features(Sub(feature)feature.Updating.ColumnSettings(Sub(cs)
cs.ColumnSetting.ColumnKey("lPositionID").DefaultValue(Model.psintID)cs.ColumnSetting.ColumnKey("dtEffectiveDate").EditorType(ColumnEditorType.DatePicker).Required(True).EditorOptions("validatorOptions: { onblur: true, keepFocus: 'once', checkValue: validategrd_CostOfFunds}")cs.ColumnSetting.ColumnKey("dblCostOfFund").EditorType(ColumnEditorType.Numeric).Required(False)cs.ColumnSetting.ColumnKey("dblSpread").EditorType(ColumnEditorType.Numeric).Required(False)End Sub)feature.Sorting()feature.Filtering()feature.Resizing()feature.Responsive()End Sub) _.DataSourceUrl(Url.Action("GetDataForCostOfFunds", "Position", New With {.id = Model.psintID})) _.UpdateUrl((Url.Action("SaveGridCostOfFunds", "Position", New With {.id = Model.psintID}))) _.DataBind() _.Render())
<script type="text/javascript">
function validategrd_CostOfFunds(evt, ui) {var value = ui.value;var rows = $("#grdCostOfFunds").igGrid("rows");for (var i = 0; i < rows.length; i++) {var currentRow = rows[i];var currentValue = new Date(currentRow.cells[0].innerText);if (dates.IsEqualDate(value, currentValue) && $(currentRow).find(".ui-iggrid-editingcell").length == 0) {ui.message = "Duplicate Effective date.";return false;}}return true;}
You may use igValidator custom option in this case. It works similar as checkValue event, however it's an option and could be set as either string, function or object. I'm attaching a sample with similar scenario for your reference. If you need further assistance, please let me know.
i wish the done button is not enabled if the entered date is duplicated
Hello Cuong,
The error message shows every time you enter duplicate date. When you enter edit mode the message hides which is expected, since the cell passes the validation on exiting edit mode. What exactly do you expect to happen? I believe that this is the expected behavior of the validation. If you have any further questions and concerns, please let me know.
hello Tsanna!
In the last question. You suggest me us the "validated" event. But, when i use this event. The error message is appeared 1 time. After that. I is hid. I can not persist this error message until the input value validated
can you sugget me some idea to resolve this problem
Thanks you very much!
What do you mean saying that you can't focus the pointer on the editor? What environment are you testing this on? Could you please provide me some steps to reproduce the issue? Waiting for your response.