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reload grid with data


I have a problem to reload a grid with data.

In the following example I have 2 buttons to load data into a grid. Each button works fine, if I click them first, but didn't work with the second click.

I want to delete the first result with the second button, and show the second result. A simple reloading of data.

How can I do this?



var _data1 = [{ "cola1": "a1", "cola2": "a2" }, { "cola1": "a3", "cola2": "a4" }];
var _data2 = [{ "colb1": "b1", "colb2": "b2" }, { "colb1": "b3", "colb2": "b4" }];

function getData1() {
$("#idGrid").igGrid({dataSource: _data1});
function getData2() {
$("#idGrid").igGrid({ dataSource: _data2 });
// ]]>

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