I am unable to successfully do the above. Here is the "BeginDate" features snippet of my code, written against the 15.2 version:
{ columnKey: "BeginDate", defaultValue: new Date(asYear, asMonth, asDate), required: true, validation: true, editorType: "datepicker", editorOptions: { required: true, nullable: false, maxValue: asMaxDate, valueChanged: function (evt, ui) { var $endDate = $(elt).igGridUpdating("editorForKey", "EndDate"); if ($endDate) { $($endDate.igEditorFilter("option", "provider").editor.element).data("igDatePicker").options.minValue = ui.newValue; $($endDate.igEditorFilter("option", "provider").editor.element).data("igDatePicker").options.minDate = ui.newValue; } } }},
It seems to correctly set the minValue, as selecting a date prior to the min value results in the validation message popping up. It does NOT however appear to set the minDate value correctly, as I am able to still select prior dates.
Also, of note, I see Intellisense for both "minValue" and "minDate" in Studio 2013 when editing...how can I make it so that the minDate value is dynamically set as needed?
Hello Andrew,
I have investigated your issue, and I have asked our engineering staff to examine this further. To ensure that it will receive attention, I have logged this behavior in our internal tracking system with a Development ID of 216620.
I've opened a private case for you with number:CAS-171107-Z7N8B3 and have linked the development issue to it so that you'll be notified once the issue has been resolved.
You can find the case by going to your account on our web site and then to the "Support activity" tab.
You can view the status of the development issue connected to that case by selecting the "Development Issues" tab when viewing this case.
Please let me know if you need more information
The fix for development issue 216620 is available in the latest service release which can be downloaded from the My Keys and Downloads page.