I am populating an HTML5 igDataChart that has 5 series which appears to be working fine. Now I am attempting to Clear the chart of the data. I tried using something like this:
$("#chart").igDataChart("notifyClearItem", currDataSource);
But does not work.
Here is how I create the data. Every second I check for data and update. That code sample is below:
data[data.length] = createNewChartItem(data[data.length - 1].Label + 1, v1, v2, v3, v4);
$("#chart").igDataChart("notifyInsertItem", dataSource, data.length - 1, data[data.length - 1]);
function createNewChartItem(label, newvalue1, newvalue2, newvalue3, newvalue4, newvalue5) {
return { Label: label, ValueArcStability: newvalue1, ValueOxygenFlow: newvalue2, ValueCarbonFlow: newvalue3, ValueKWH: newvalue4, ValueRoofOpen: newvalue5 };
My Chart HTML:
width: "1500px",
height: "750px",
title: "Arc Stability",
// subtitle: "Five largest projected populations for 2015",
legend: { element: "legend" },
windowResponse: "immediate",
dataSource: currDataSource,
axes: [
name: "xAxis",
type: "categoryX",
title: "Sample Number",
label: "Label"
name: "yAxis",
type: "numericY",
minimumValue: 0,
maximumValue: 1000,
title: "Memory Share Value"
series: [
showTooltip: true,
name: "ArcStability",
type: "line",
isHighlightingEnabled: true,
isTransitionInEnabled: true,
xAxis: "xAxis",
yAxis: "yAxis",
valueMemberPath: "ValueArcStability",
transitionDuration: 500,
thickness: 3.9,
brush: "orange"
name: "OxygenFlow",
title: "Oxygen Flow",
valueMemberPath: "ValueOxygenFlow",
thickness: 5.9,
brush: "purple"
name: "CarbonFlow",
title: "Carbon Inj Sec.",
valueMemberPath: "ValueCarbonFlow",
thickness: 1.9,
brush: "red"
name: "KiloWatts",
title: "KWH",
valueMemberPath: "ValueKWH",
thickness: 0.9,
brush: "green"
} ,
name: "RoofOpen",
title: "Roof Open",
valueMemberPath: "ValueRoofOpen",
brush: "black"
thank you again. It works fine in my little test app. So I think I have something not properly configured in my actual app. I copied and pasted below. I can update chart with no issue, save as PNG file and now properly delete data. I just cannot get the data to start displaying again after the ClearChart() function is implemented. I call StartUpdate() to restart a timer. Basically I am using iosockets to tell server send more data. So up in the iosocket receiver it receives the updated data from server. That data is present and you can see where I implement notifyInsert Item. Let me know if you see if I am imprperly configuring the chart somehow.
var currData, currDataSource;var transperantBrush = "rgba(0,0,0,0)", volumeTrendlineBrush = "rgba(190,130,65,0.7)", priceTrendlineBrush = "rgba(70,140,240,0.7)";;var DisableTrend = false;var tick = 0;currData = [];currData[0] = createNewChartItem(1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);currDataSource = new $.ig.DataSource({ dataSource: currData });var UpdateTimer = setInterval(myTimer, 1000);$(function () { iosocket = io.connect(); iosocket.on('connect', function () { $('#incomingChatMessages').append($('<li>Connected</li>')); //iosocket.on('message', function (message) { // $('#incomingChatMessages').append($('<li></li>').text(message)); //}); iosocket.on('MemshareRead', function (message) { // $('#incomingChatMessages').append($('<li></li>').text(message)); var t = message.split(","); // count = count + 1; // newValue.push({ Label: count.toString(), Value: t[0] }) var dataSource = $("#chart").igDataChart("option", "dataSource"); var data = dataSource.data(); var v1 = 0; var v2 = 0; var v3 = 0; var v4 = 0; var HeatComplete = 0;//Looks at tap signal if (t[0] == undefined) { v1 = 0; } else v1 = t[0]; if (t[1] == undefined) { v2 = 0; } else v2 = t[1]; if (t[2] == undefined) { v3 = 0; } else v3 = t[2]; if (t[3] == undefined) { v4 = 0; } else v4 = t[3]; if (t[4] == undefined) { HeatComplete = 'false'; } else HeatComplete = t[4]; data[data.length] = createNewChartItem(data[data.length - 1].Label + 1, v1, v2, v3, v4, HeatComplete); $("#chart").igDataChart("notifyInsertItem", dataSource, data.length - 1, data[data.length - 1]); //$("#chart").igDataChart("flush"); }); iosocket.on('disconnect', function () { $('#incomingChatMessages').append('<li>Disconnected</li>'); }); }); $('#outgoingChatMessage').keypress(function (event) { if (event.which == 13) { event.preventDefault(); iosocket.send($('#outgoingChatMessage').val()); //$('#incomingChatMessages').append($('<li></li>').text($('#outgoingChatMessage').val())); //$('#outgoingChatMessage').val(''); } });});function addNewItemToChart() { var dataSource = $("#chart").igDataChart("option", "dataSource"); var data = dataSource.data(); data[data.length] = createNewChartItem(data[data.length - 1].Label + 1); $("#chart").igDataChart("notifyInsertItem", dataSource, data.length - 1, data[data.length - 1]);}function createNewChartItem(label, newvalue1, newvalue2, newvalue3, newvalue4, newvalue5) { //var val1 = Math.round(Math.random() * 100); //var val2 = Math.round(Math.random() * 100); //var val3 = Math.round(Math.random() * 100); if (label == undefined) label = 1; var RoofState = 0; if (newvalue5 == 'true') { RoofState = 100; } return { Label: label, ValueArcStability: newvalue1, ValueOxygenFlow: newvalue2, ValueCarbonFlow: newvalue3, ValueKWH: newvalue4, ValueRoofOpen: RoofState };}function myTimer() { iosocket.send('MemshareRead');}$(function () { $("#chart").igDataChart({ width: "1500px", height: "750px", title: "Arc Stability", // subtitle: "Five largest projected populations for 2015", legend: { element: "legend" }, windowResponse: "immediate", dataSource: currDataSource, axes: [ { name: "xAxis", type: "categoryX", title: "Sample Number", label: "Label" }, { name: "yAxis", type: "numericY", minimumValue: 0, maximumValue: 1000, title: "Memory Share Value" } ], series: [ { showTooltip: true, name: "ArcStability", type: "line", title: "Arc Stability", isHighlightingEnabled: true, isTransitionInEnabled: true, xAxis: "xAxis", yAxis: "yAxis", valueMemberPath: "ValueArcStability", transitionDuration: 500, thickness: 3.9, brush: "orange" } , { showTooltip: true, name: "OxygenFlow", type: "line", title: "Oxygen Flow", isHighlightingEnabled: true, isTransitionInEnabled: true, xAxis: "xAxis", yAxis: "yAxis", valueMemberPath: "ValueOxygenFlow", transitionDuration: 500, thickness: 5.9, brush: "purple" } , { showTooltip: true, name: "CarbonFlow", type: "line", title: "Carbon Inj Sec.", isHighlightingEnabled: true, isTransitionInEnabled: true, xAxis: "xAxis", yAxis: "yAxis", valueMemberPath: "ValueCarbonFlow", transitionDuration: 500, thickness: 1.9, brush: "red" } , { showTooltip: true, name: "KiloWatts", type: "line", title: "KWH", isHighlightingEnabled: true, isTransitionInEnabled: true, xAxis: "xAxis", yAxis: "yAxis", valueMemberPath: "ValueKWH", transitionDuration: 500, thickness: 0.9, brush: "green" } , { showTooltip: true, name: "RoofOpen", type: "line", title: "Roof Open", isHighlightingEnabled: true, isTransitionInEnabled: true, xAxis: "xAxis", yAxis: "yAxis", valueMemberPath: "ValueRoofOpen", transitionDuration: 500, thickness: 0.9, brush: "black" }], }); $("#ArcStabilityCheckBx").click(function () { var pBrush = ($(this).is(":checked")) ? "orange" : transperantBrush; // var vBrush = ($(this).is(":checked")) ? volumeTrendlineBrush : transperantBrush; $("#chart").igDataChart("option", "series", [ { name: "ArcStability", brush: pBrush }//, //{ name: "lineSeries", trendLineBrush: vBrush } ]); $("#chart").igDataChart("styleUpdated"); }); $("#OxygenFlowCheckBx").click(function () { var pBrush = ($(this).is(":checked")) ? "purple" : transperantBrush; // var vBrush = ($(this).is(":checked")) ? volumeTrendlineBrush : transperantBrush; $("#chart").igDataChart("option", "series", [ { name: "OxygenFlow", brush: pBrush }//, //{ name: "lineSeries", trendLineBrush: vBrush } ]); $("#chart").igDataChart("styleUpdated"); }); $("#CarbonFlowCheckBx").click(function () { var pBrush = ($(this).is(":checked")) ? "red" : transperantBrush; // var vBrush = ($(this).is(":checked")) ? volumeTrendlineBrush : transperantBrush; $("#chart").igDataChart("option", "series", [ { name: "CarbonFlow", brush: pBrush }//, //{ name: "lineSeries", trendLineBrush: vBrush } ]); $("#chart").igDataChart("styleUpdated"); }); $("#KiloWattsCheckBx").click(function () { var pBrush = ($(this).is(":checked")) ? "green" : transperantBrush; // var vBrush = ($(this).is(":checked")) ? volumeTrendlineBrush : transperantBrush; $("#chart").igDataChart("option", "series", [ { name: "KiloWatts", brush: pBrush }//, //{ name: "lineSeries", trendLineBrush: vBrush } ]); $("#chart").igDataChart("styleUpdated"); }); });function ChangeTitle(){ $("#chart").igDataChart("option", "title", "Heat: 96790"); // $(".selector").igDataChart("option", "subtitle", "Results over a two year period"); }function SaveImage() { var myImage = $("#chart").igDataChart("exportImage", 1200, 675);//1200 wide by 675 height var titleValue = $("#chart").igDataChart("option", "title")+':'; iosocket.emit('SaveImage', myImage.href.replace('data:image/png;base64,', titleValue));//Need to replace data:image/png;base64 with empty string}function ClearChart() { currData.length = 0; $("#chart").igDataChart("notifyClearItems", currData); }function StopUpdate() { // DisableTrend = true; window.clearTimeout(UpdateTimer);}function StartUpdate(){ currData.push(createNewChartItem(1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)); UpdateTimer = setInterval(myTimer, 1000);}//In the code snippet above the transitionDuration option related to the Motion Framework is set.//This option governs how long the animation (transition) between two states of the chart series takes.//function createNewChartItem2(label) {// var val1 = Math.round(Math.random() * 100);// var val2 = Math.round(Math.random() * 100);// var val3 = Math.round(Math.random() * 100);// if (label == undefined)// label = 1;// return { Label: label, Value1: val1 };//}//function addNewItemToChar2t() {// var dataSource = $("#chart").igDataChart("option", "dataSource");// var data = dataSource.data();// data[data.length] = createNewChartItem2(data[data.length - 1].Label + 1);// $("#chart").igDataChart("notifyInsertItem", dataSource, data.length - 1, data[data.length - 1]);//}
I hope that I understand you clearly, after clearing the data you want to start adding a new one. This could be achieved by using "notifyInsertItem", yes.
I have modified the sample in order to show you hot to start adding new items:
Basically new data object should be created (with as many items you want) and should be passed to the method along with the current ds.
I took your example and added a AddDS() function to see how to add data after you clear it. If we can figure this out. Then we are good. Here is a copy of the function. It is just a copy of your data structure when the chart is initialized. No data displays after I clear the chart using the clear button. Then press the Add button that calls the function below. Is there a step I am missing to re-bind data to the chart after it is initialized?
function AddDS() { ds = [{ "Year": 1995, "Canada": 16.8331, "SaudiArabia": 20.6591, "Russia": 41.4181, "UnitedStates": 0, "China": 33.5387 }, { "Year": 1996, "Canada": 17.2262, "SaudiArabia": 20.8153, "Russia": 0, "UnitedStates": 71.1744, "China": 33.5387 }, { "Year": 1997, "Canada": 17.4787, "SaudiArabia": 21.2433, "Russia": 41.4181, "UnitedStates": 71.1744, "China": 33.5387 }, { "Year": 1998, "Canada": 17.4377, "SaudiArabia": 0, "Russia": 41.4181, "UnitedStates": 71.1744, "China": 33.5387 }, { "Year": 1999, "Canada": 0, "SaudiArabia": 0, "Russia": 41.4181, "UnitedStates": 71.1744, "China": 33.5387 }, { "Year": 2000, "Canada": 17.4377, "SaudiArabia": 21.4151, "Russia": 41.4181, "UnitedStates": 0, "China": 33.5387 }]; }
The chart is x axis is incrementing but the plots on the chart are NOT displaying.
This works perfectly. Now 1 more odd behavior. After I clear chart I want to start plotting points again. I am writing values like this:
data[data.length] = createNewChartItem(data[data.length - 1].Label + 1, v1, v2, v3, v4, HeatComplete);
The chart is x axis is incrementing but the plots on the chart are displaying. Do I have to re-initialize anything on the chart?
BTW, This is a node.js application and is awesome with your HTML5 components. If We can work out this little bug. It will be awesome....