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Client side - Excel files is getting corrupted while adding new worksheet.


I am working on a POC and facing issues in getting few things done. I am trying to achieve below objectives:

1) We have to generate client side reports showing data in excel files.

2) These excel report files will be stored at web location and will have formulas, pivot tables, graph, etc.

3) At client side, we will pull data from various resources then fill the data dump in these excel reports.


While trying to achieve this, I am facing couple of issues:

1) How to pass web reference of excel file to "$.ig.excel.Workbook.load" function.

2) I was able to do a data dump on a local excel template. This excel template has two worksheets. First one has a pivot table and other one has data. When I am adding a new worksheet using the JavaScript excel framework, it is corrupting my file. I am getting the following error while opening newly generated file.

"Excel found unreadable content in *******.xlsx. Do you want to recover the contents of this workbook? If you trust the source of this workbook, click yes".

I am not having this issue if excel template file does not have a pivot.

Please suggest.

Following is the error that excel shows while repairing excel file:


Errors were detected in file 'C:\Downloads\Formulas.xlsx'-Excel completed file level validation and repair. Some parts of this workbook may have been repaired or discarded.-Removed Part: /xl/pivotTables/pivotTable1.xml part with XML error. (PivotTable view) Load error. Line 1, column 0.-Removed Records: Workbook properties from /xl/workbook.xml part (Workbook)

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    I went through the precise information provided and I gather that you have to generate reports for a client in excel files which will be stored at a web location with formulae, tables etc. You are also facing the “unreadable content” error, which excel seems to be popping up very often now.


    After being on many forums and Q & As, I found out that this happens mostly in large sized Excel files or files with complex formulae. Please don’t worry, there are many workarounds to fix this. I am sharing them below:

    Workaround 1 : Move the Excel File to a New Folder

    Some of the users have reported that they were able to open their Excel file, following the ‘Excel unreadable content’ error, by simply moving the file to a different folder. I hope this works for you as well.

    Workaround 2: Install Visual Basic Component

    At times, it is found that installing the 'Visual Basic' component of MS Office 2010 resolves error message. To do so, follow these steps:

    • Go to Control Panel >> Programs >> select Microsoft Office 2010.
    • Tap Change, and then select Add or Remove Programs.
    • Next, click the “ + “ sign provided next to Office Shared Features. 
    • Click Visual Basic for Applications. After that, right-click and choose Run from My Computer, and hit the Continue button.
    • Reboot your system when this process finishes.
    • Now check if the issue has been resolved or not.

    Reference [] []


    I hope this helps you.

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