Hello,I have a data set of 20,000 rows. This application has a table where user can select multiple columns and change values. It has custom filter drop down with distinct values as dropdown for each column.Problem i am facing is if i add virtualization, filter drop down for all column disappears.virtualization: true,virtualizationMode: "continuous"I have attached sample code which i am working on. Please help me in fixing this problem.ThanksSM
Hello s m,
What I can suggest in your scenario is initially traversing the grid`s underlying data source in order to find the rows that contains your search match. All the rows that meet the requirement could be stored in an array. Afterwards, as you assumed, the iggridvirtualrecordsrender event could be handled. In this event you could check whether any of currently rendered rows matches any of the rows in the array. If this is the case the desired styling could be applied.
I hope this approach will help you achieve your requirement.
Thank you Vasya for your response.
I am creating a virtualization grid for displaying 20,000 rows. If grid is virtualized we can not get all 20,000 rows at once. I see if virtualizationMode: "continuous" i am getting 72 rows at first. I am trying to get all 20,000 rows by scrolling page by page. I have attached sample which i have tried.
created an array which will scroll to 73 row , 146 row 218 row and 289 row.var rowselec = [73,146,218,289];when i check logs its calling$(document).delegate("#cellSelectionGrid", "iggridvirtualrecordsrender", function(evt, ui) {only for row 289.
Application i am developing needs all 20,000 rows to search for a text in each td if a match is found i have to highlight individuals cells.
What is the best approach to get all rows(20,000) in virtualized grid.
Thank you for getting back to me.
Can you please modify your code as following:
var row = $(".selector").igGrid("rowById", 8)[0]; if($(row).is(":visible")) { console.log("row is visible"); $(row).toggle(); }else{ console.log("row is hidden"); }
This will ensure that the correct row is referenced.
I am also attaching my modified sample where I am using the suggested code and everything works as expected. When the button Is clicked I am checking whether the row is visible or not and I call toggle method for this row.
I hope you will find this information helpful.
Thank you for your response
I am trying to check if a row is visible if it is visible then toggle it. Tried below logic but it is always in else condition. Can you please help.
Hello m s,
In case that you have the id of the row that you would like to toggle you could get reference to the DOM element using rowById method of igGrid. Afterwards, the toggle method could be applied for this row. For example:
var row = $(".selector").igGrid("rowById", 1); $(row).toggle();
row = $(
, 1);
I hope this will help you achieve your requirement.