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iggrid computed column based on row values

hi, i was hoping you might be able to point me to an example with a computed column. my example here requires the "CheckAll" column, which should

  1. tick/untick all checkboxes in the correspoinging row when ticked/unticked
  2. automatically tick when all data rows are checked, e.g. from my example above, the "All" column should have a tick for "Aniseed Syrup" when grid is rendered
also pls point me to the documentation to explore grid column events' API pls
  • 2525
    Verified Answer

    Hello Rus,

    In this case, I recommend setting the "All" column to an unbound data field and update it's/other column's value when the row is being updated. A similar approach to the sample here can be taken:

    All events can be found within the API here:

    Please provide more details of what is the desired behavior of the events you would like to handle and I'll be glad to assist you further.